Tuesday, 18 February 2014

NYC Toy Fair 2014 - Monster High

So This is just a post of all the pics that I found on the internet of the dolls that were show cased at the New York Toy Fair 2014. I will be doing separate posts for Monster High, Ever After High and Barbie.

Lets get Started on Monster High shall we.

Lets start with the Inner Monster dolls (There are more pics of them in my last  post ). They are cool. and an nice concept but I am just not wowed by them....but that is just me.

Ok on to freaky fusion:

Of these I only like Cleolei. The others are cool. I may have to see them in person though.




Neighthon rot

Here are some boxed pics of the Freaky Fusion dolls. I like the New box design.

Zombie Dance Twins:

Here are some interesting new finds at the Toy Fair:

Ghoul Sports Toralei - Zombie dance Twins sneaking in on the side

Creepertiria Howleen and Cleo - There is a Draculaura hiding there too.

Coffee Bean Twla and Venus

Coffee Bean Robecca


New Scarmester Catty Noir

Well those are the Monster High Pics.

There is one more surprise find. It wasn't at The Toy fair but some one found it at thier store. It is unsure if it was a US find or an international one. Either way I need her!!

I <3 Fasion VENUS!!!!!!

Isn't she just amazing!!

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