Saturday, 23 November 2013

Monster High Dolls: Ghoulia, Venus, Frankie

"We are Monsters we are proud! We are Monsters say it loud!"

I love Monster High. Not only the dolls and the webisodes, but what they stand for and the message that they are bringing to girls. Their message is to not be afraid of who you are, because we are all perfectly imperfect. We all have our own Freaky Flaws that make us unique and Freaky Fabulous.

Monster High encourages kids to accept not only themselves, but the differences in other people. It is really good message to send. I just hope it is working.

Here are 3 of my Monster High dolls. First up is Dead Tired Ghoulia Yelps. She is a zombie, but even though she is a zombie, and zombies are considered slow, she is the smartest ghoul in school. I love her blue hair. She is definitely one of my favourite Monster High dolls. She is not wearing her original outfit that she came with. She is wearing Signature Frankie's dress and Signature Venus's jacket.

My next ghoul to show you is Signature Venus McFlytrap. She is a plant monster. She is a Eco-warrior and in the webisodes she encourages environmental awareness. My Venus is not wearing her signature outfit. She is wearing Picture Day Draculaura's top, her own skirt, Swim Class Venus vines and Ghouls rule Draculaura's leggings.

The last ghoul I am going to show you today is Signature Frankie Stein. She is the Daughter of Frankenstein. Frankie is the main character in the Monster High webisodes. She is always willing to lend a hand to a friend (her hand literally comes off).  My Frankie is not wearing her signature outfit. She is wearing Home Ick Frankie's dress and a skirt from one of the Frankie fashion packs. This doll is voltageous, from her black and white hair to her different coloured eyes. I also love the stitch detailing on her arms and legs.

So those are some of my ghouls. I love that each character is unique. I hope Mattel can keep it up.

What are your thoughts on the line?? do you like them or are they just too freaky for you??

Well that is me for now. TTFN (Ta-Ta-For-Now)

Friday, 22 November 2013

Some of my Disney Store Dolls

Oki dokes let number 2!! 

This is a Disney post (In case you didn't get that from the title). I have always loved Disney. My favourite Disney Animated movie is...if you guessed it right you get internet cookies....The Little Mermaid . Which little girl doesn't like that movie? Fun fact: The movie premiered the same year I was born, so that makes it extra special. :)

I have four different Disney Store Ariel dolls: Animators Collection, 2010 Classic, 2012 Classic and the 2013 Classic. You may have spotted 2013 Ariel in my previous post. 

Here is my 2012 Ariel doll. She is very Special to me as she was my very first Disney Store doll, and also my first ebay purchase. I didn't like her original body because of the hinge joints at the knees (they look awful). So I re-bodied her on a Liv body.

Next up we have my 2nd Disney Doll that I got from a friend on Flickr. She is the Disney Parks Rapunzel doll. If you don't know already she is from the Disney movie Tangled. The movie was awesome. The animation was mind blowing for me. This movie came very close to knocking Ariel's 21 year hold of best Disney Movie Ever title. I think I loved this movies so much because the same guy who did the music for TLM also did the music for Tangled. So the movies were a way.


Next on my list of Disney dollies to show you today is Merida from the Disney/Pixar Movie Brave. This movie was epic. The first princess to challenge the norms of princessness (is that a word??) She is a Arrow shooting, sword fighting Scottish princess from the Clan Dunbroch. Her spunk and attitude will show little girls everywhere that you don't have to sing or be girly to be a princess. I really do love this doll. Her face is so detailed and captures her character perfectly.  

Well that is all I am going to show you for now. I will post more of my Disney dolls on another day. 
Out of these 3 which is your favourite??

TTFN (Ta-Ta-For-Now) 

Thursday, 21 November 2013

First Post!!! YAY!!

It is my first post. Can you scream YAY!!

Let me introduce myself.....Hi **waves** I am Berry, I am 24 and I have an obsession with dolls....that sounds like an AA meeting intro. I can almost hear the "Hi Berry". LOL!! But it is all true. I love my dolls! They are a bit of my childhood that stayed alive. They keep me young and stress free. 

If you are considered an "Adult" and you collect dolls you know the feeling. You will also be familiar with people saying you are too old for dolls. Can some one show me where on the packaging of the doll in question is there an age Limit. Yes it has an age Restriction that is fair. Kids under 3 are still....umm how can I put this...ummm...stupid. They will stick a doll shoe up their nose or try to eat it and that doesn't usually end well.

Okay enough of that. The point is that there is no age Limit on fun. So if you are some cynical person reading this and judging me as some crazy are right. I am crazy. I am totally bonkers. Normal is boring and dull. Being "normal" is only meant for people who want to live their lives in stress and sadness. Can I have a collective "Awwwww" Poor unfortunate souls.

Any-who... I collect Monster High, Disney Store and Barbie (Playline). I want to collect the Ever After High line too but they haven't come this side of the pond yet. I also don't collect the collector barbies as they almost never come to our stores and if they do it is only the stiff ones. Articulation is a must for me. If I have to pay collector prices (which is extremely expensive here) they have to have more than just a pretty face.

Well that is a short get-to-know post. I hope this blog brings loads of fun and maybe it will let someone know that it is alright to be yourself, even if yourself is crazy. So come to the fun side :)

Here is Ariel saying "Hi"

 If you are wondering she is a 2013 Disney Store Classic Ariel Doll.

Well that is all for now. TTFN (Ta-Ta-For-Now)